Software Engineer


I'm a senior undergraduate student majoring in Software Engineering at Florida Institute of Technology. I'm also minoring in Psychology and Computational Mathematics. I have an overwhelming passion in learning and teaching and I aspire to become a researcher and a college professor someday.

My great academic performances have earned me awards such as the Distinguished Student Scholar in my institution and as well earned me a seat among members of academic honor societies including Phi Kappa Phi, Upsilon Pi Epsilon, Tau Beta Pi, and Phi Eta Sigma.

I'm always amazed by how technology and design is changing our modern world. My major interest is in the field of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Programming and problem solving are my primary hobbies. When I'm not doing any of those two, I'm playing tennis or reading a book.

You can view my merit page here



+1 (321) 298 - 5277
4621 Explorer Drive, Apt. 310, West Melbourne, FL. 32904.





Front-end Developer, Data Analyst, and Testing Engineer (Aug. 2017 - present)

This project was envisioned by Dr. Parenteau to investigate and implement Cryptocurrency Arbitrage Solution. Arbitrage is the process of purchasing cryptocurrencies on a platform, and selling them on another where the price is relatively higher, in turn making a profit. To ensure a successful Arbitrage, our solution will have to connect with various market platforms via corresponding APIs in near real time, download currency rates, store relevant data in cache for rapid access, compare against each other, and output the best solution for the user with the expected profit margin.

This experience was obtained as a capstone project in pursuant to the fulfillment of degreee requirements for Software Engineering. I worked in a team comprising of two Computer Scientists (Emily Subocz and Eric Larochelle) and two Software Engineers (Liandra Bennett and I). The project is to be completed in two semesters. I focused on the design and implementation of the front-end as well as the implementation of Kraken - one of the cryptocurrency market component of CryptoArb. I also performed the analysis of the data stored in the database to obtain the most profitable arbitrage path, alternate arbitrage paths (in case of failure), and futuristic prediction of market data. I also applied my learned knowledge of white-box, black-box, regression, functional, unit, scenario, and integration testing to test the software both vigirously and robustly

Amazon Go

Requirements Engineer (Spring 2017)

This project consisted of the developement of functional and non-functional requirements for the Amazon's Amazon Go project. The specification document was completed in one semester. Amazon Go is a prototype grocery store operated by online retailer Amazon.com, with one location in Seattle, Washington. The first store, opened on December 5, 2016, in the company's new headquarters, is partially-automated, with customers able to purchase products without using a cashier or checkout station. I worked in a group of 3 people (Liandra Bennett and Francis Darius) to complete the requirements document.

Coronary Castle

Java Developer (Fall 2016)

Coronary Castle is a java application for restaurant management. It uses seven software engineering design patterns to achieve robust functionalities: Access menu(decorator pattern), Create cashier (factory pattern), Instantiate register (Singleton), Message Passing (Adapter), Kitchen Queue (composite pattern) , and Facade Pattern.

Elastic Search

Testing Engineer and Java Developer (Fall 2015)

Elastic search is a lucene-based search engine. Elastic search was one of the first open source project that I have worked on. In a team of 3 (Luke Wiskowski, Kelsey DeJesus-Banos, and I), we found bug and implemented fixes on the project. We also contributed a feature to the project. Elastic search introduced the vast world of free and open-sourced project and opened a path for me to contribute to the community that mattered most to my career.



Elasticsearch is a search engine used in most databases. As a search engine, it must be able to analyze data, index document correctly (either implicitly or explicitly), and sort documents based on order of importance. The sorting mechanism of elasticsearch (relevant scoring) applies three techniques in its algorithm. These techniques are explored and their behaviors at extremities were closely monitored and modeled to better understand if and how they can beapplied to large data set to select a smaller relevant subset of data (data mining)...


Scoring: Understanding the Math of ElasticSearch for use in Data Mining


As new technologies emerge, new ethical issues and concerns are bound to surface along with them. Computing, over the years, has moved from machines that need humans to think for them to those that think for themselves. Such ability thus comes with great risks. Computer Scientists and Software Engineers must design these system to make ethically right choices autonomously. The baseline result of every decision-making process is a choice. This article begins with the introduction of psychological constructs that control these choices: persuasion and ...


Persuasion and Resistance: Influence of Ethics on Decision Making


The concept of binomial coefficient is really important in the fields of combinatorics, a mathematical field focusing on the study of discrete structures that are countable or finite. Although various method of calculation binomial coefficient given index n and k exits, this study focuses on one of the most efficient one – the multiplicative formula. The general idea of solutions for binomial coefficients is discussed with major focus on the formula of interest. The algorithm for the multiplicative method is examined to elaborate the ideas behind the method and how part of the algorithm work to ...


Analysis of the Multiplicative Method for Finding Binomial Coefficients


In linear algebra, the concept of Gaussian Elimination is really important in finding the solutions of systems of linear equations. Variations of this algorithm exists and many pivoting methods can be applied in order to reduce error in the algorithm. This study focus on the solution of a linear system with n equations and m unknown variables using Gaussian Elimination. The general idea of Gaussian Elimination is discussed including methods of reducing errors and its variations. The algorithm for Gaussian Elimination is then examined to elaborate the ideas behind ...


Analysis of Gaussian Elimination Method for Solving Systems of Linear Equations